How it works
While hearing loss affects millions of people for many different reasons – age, illness, injury, loud working conditions, and military service among them – it doesn’t have to limit the quality of their phone conversations.
Similar to captioned television, CaptionCall uses advanced technology and a communications assistant to quickly provide written captions of what callers say on a large, easy-to-read screen. It works like a regular telephone – simply dial and answer calls as usual – speak and listen using a phone handset like always. Plus, CaptionCall offers exceptional sound quality with audio and frequency settings that can be customized to each person’s hearing loss.
Large text – 7″ screen with adjustable text sizes makes it easy to read every word of every call.
Touch to call – make calls quickly and easily with a simple touch of the screen.
Saved conversations – You can choose to save the captioning from conversations for later review.
Customizable audio – easily adjust ringer and handset volume – also customize frequency amplification.
Telecoil loop connection – for hearing aids with a telecoil option.
Secure captioning – enjoy a safe, encrypted, FCC-regulated transcription process.
Visual Ringer – the CaptionCall phone screen can flash when the phone is ringing.

CaptionCall® is a revolutionary new telephone and service for anyone who has trouble hearing on the phone. With CaptionCall, it’s easy to communicate confidently with friends, family and colleagues.